Health Benefits Of Dates

Dates are one of the most delicious foods. Because of their cylindrical shape and dark brown color, they look like toffees, but they aren't actually. Just like apple, banana, coconut etc, they are also a kind of fruit. Let's talk about their health benefits now.

1. Dates are rich in magnesium. Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to relieve joint pain. They are good for arthritis patients too.

2. They have Vitamin B6, which is considered to be a brain-boosting vitamin. So, if you are a student, then they can benefit you.

3. Dates are rich in Iron also. So, they prevent anemia and also very beneficial for anemia patients.

4. They are very good for Colon(a part of large intestine). If you are suffering from Colon cancer then they might help you.

5. They have potassium which helps to maintain your blood pressure. If you have hypertension(high blood pressure) problem then they will help you out.

Let's now discuss their importance from a bodybuilding point of view. Dates are super low in calories and have very high sugar content. One date has 5g of carbohydrate(out of which 4.5g is sugar) and 5g of fiber. They don't have fats and protein. Because of their high sugar content, they can't be consumed too much. If you workout then you can eat 3-5 dates in pre-workout as well as in post workout. But if you don't workout then, you should consume only two dates a day.


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